Page 3 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 3

A tribute to ourfriend and colleague
ur lhnughls and prayers eenunrre re he rnade fur rhe -—
Darrell laoggs famlly. Darrell, CEO of Arkansas 211/ L / .
ARKUPS, passed away December 27, 2018 al the age

of 54.

Fur rhe pasl few years, Lhis page has been reserved for

Darrell to share his llruuglrls and rrleas wlth rhe readers

of llrrs publlcatlon. cerlarnly, rhe nghl rhrng la do rn llrrs ~_ A .
rssue rs to pause lor a moment and relleel un lrrs llfe and the Q ~
nrnlrrhulrons Darrell nrarle Io rhe underground rnduslry he -.

was pan of for more than 33 years '
Darrell was already larnrlrar with Lhe rrnpurranee of

pzotzctlng undergruund unlrrres when he began lrrs 30-year

eareer wlLh cenrral Arkansas warer As you nrrghl zxpctl, he held rnany pusrnons

helore relrrrng as rhe Dlmcloz of Drslrrhurron and Marnlenanee.

A~ was Darrell's nanrre, he became rnyolrred rn the rndusrry, nor rusr rhe company. He
lnokerl la leanr near and contubutz Io assnerarruns such as the Arne-rrean warer works
Assoeralron (AWWA) and rhe sourhern seelron of lhe AWWA where he was a pasr elrarr

of tlm Arkansas warer works and warer Envlzonment Assnerarrun. He was a rnrlrrary
yeleran serrrrng 23 years rn llre Arkr1n~r1~' Army Nanonal Cuald/Reserves, evenrually
mtlnng as an engrneer urcreer ar llre rank of Lreulenanl Colonel

Darrell served on rhe ARKUPS laoard of Drreelnrs rrrr alrnnsl five years whrle slrll at
Central Arkansas warer and when rhe Arkansas 811/ARKUPS CEO prrsrrron heeanre
avmlabln, he applred and was hired Duung hrs alnrnsl rnur years as CEO, he gained

Lhc confidence of llrnse who worked wrrh lrrnr by shuwrng lrrs wrllrngness la learn nrnre
ahour rhrs new role horn rhuse sanre people.

Dunng hrs renure, he expanded the ourreaelr of Arkansas an anrl Arkansas one call
hegan dolng husrness as Arkansas 211, iolluwlng a national mnvumnnl lu rrlenrrry a

~tr1le one call sysrenr with the nallunal "call herure you dig" nunrher and logo.

He reeenrly told me, "I've spenl the nrsr year rusr rryrng Io underslanrl the enornrrry of

Lhe challenges‘, rhe seeund year tzylng Io find solulrnns. I'm lookrng forward lo seerng rr
lgnl rr rlghl.”

I'm eonarlenr he gal ll nghrl All who knew hrrn wrll nrrss hrs ealrn demeanor and

rrrenrlly srnrle.

Resl in peaee...

2019 Issue r Arkansas 51lMr!gl!1lne . 1

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