Page 14 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 14
Be aware Of pipeline I I larkers
in your neighborhood
and at your worksite
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Many Pipeline companies regularly neiglnlaor and provide you with this aia lqglpful in lofafing Pipglingsl (hgy
l"5P9Fl‘1“l|'l’i§1"l5’°f""3Y using all: important into.-maiion Io lielp ii you dn ncll provide iliformaliou suth as now
‘°°‘ °' “W19 Pe“'°‘5- Th?“ ‘mined suspeel a larolilem in your area. Pipeline many pipelines are below in‘ tlie deplh
ln_sl2e_rlDI's lnnk for P°‘9“ll§] dun.-;er_u> coinpanies talte ilie saie ope.-atinn oi omia 1;“; Tim Pmmy Emil,“ Di
pipelines such as construction activity Iheir inlrastrnctnre seriously. wliicln iiiese ma.-lrecs is In identify the location
°' Sign‘ °‘ S“ Dr “*I"“ leeks» The“ includes proleeliug your family. your or the pipeline generally as an alen to
lnslnerllnns along their pipeline mules property and ilie environment. Becanse iima who rniglrfl iii wnrking alnng tiia
are in ensure the sewrlly and lnlegrily ortliis nliligence, incidents are very rare. pipaiinp m,,idc,, ;m.anm1m many
ollhelrlines» . . or during the consn-nciion ollioines
For your saleiy. pipelines are marlreal .
Pipgiine Companies imp in mm,‘ by aims gmmd signs to Provide o1'b\\Isl1iessesl‘iealnhy. You s1non_1.l be
on a regular laasis witln emergency in indicaiim, Di iiiai, Prasaim 3“’f“'9 of any Pipeline m3‘_'k9T5 in your
ofiirials and work with local emergency ,pP,.°xi,,,m imiion‘ mmiai (maid i_1eiglilmrlwocl- As the s-‘lying guest
responders alongpipeline n'ghLs—Df'way and the name and cnnlan inlormarion “"°‘” Y°““"“E*“‘°“5- “"“° ‘*°‘_"" '1“
in case oian einergency, sometimes omia mmpany iim Dpmies iim name and plunne numbers appearing
even ii-aining wilh liie depariinents or Pipzim Markers may in anywhm on the Pipellne rnarke-‘S in ruse of
hazardous mate.-ials nniis. Even tnongii aiimg iim ,igi,.,c.;,way (3 mil, oi imi emergency»
3_1?31_‘°T5Pl” lsexlremelyunlikelin _ usually ahoutzfito iso ieei wide tliat Pipelinz inarlrers are important {or
Pipeline romp-anies provide mlnnnanc-n coniains a pipeline] or direcily over ilie saiety ortlie general pnblic. it is a
like Ilial which you will find on the ilie pipeline itself. These inarlrers are lealei-al crime for any person Io willfully
following pages Iliel will prepare Y?" gene.-ally yellow, black and real in color. aiaiais, aiamaga, ygynovg 0.. dg5|;'Dy any
in -he event that it does oeeur.Theu- The pipeline .nay not lollowa straight pipeline signs nrlrighl—o[—waylnzrker.
hope is to continue to lie a quiet conrse laeiween marlrers. While marlre.-s
1.2 . s11Ml:gl:zme 2020 lssuzl