Page 5 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 5
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P leer?/ice'Announceent I
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, Call Be ore YOU Clear
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s 2 result at the unprecedented you clear" In eentim. that a cross bore
covmig pandemic, many dues nut exist in the sewer line that is to
Americans ire working from he eleased.
lmme and making health and .
""P°‘ 3" “”‘P"'5 P“°P"’ ‘“.'"“?“.‘ "” instaflged through unmarked sewes g Y
spread ulgenus,hutseuie.nd.y..luals laterals Cm; bms can 1: dmmm
are nal properly disposing of the wipes [ "h .h J’ .
and are flushing used wipes iusteasl er 1”’ "E""‘ S ‘E “"5 ""‘ ‘ °" ”’“*“
dispnsing eltheui in the trash. ““*“""5 ““ “"“’“>
This is leading tn sewei blockages 9°“. ''°"’; :1‘ “"“"” l1)‘l““i“*" “‘}f“"
across the us and increasing the risk ‘“ ““‘““"‘ “b 51”’ f°‘ 35”‘ 3‘.
of":cti1mIing"exislingbnres. §‘%{d§a"W ha‘ “I” “j.“‘°;jf“"‘°
Nzwspaperarticlesqnulingwalexand “' “W gmfllngh §'°“=
sewet board cufiitials {mm New Ymk ‘i‘““:1h“"“‘:f "k""“‘ 21"‘: " 9’ ‘°
In Los Angeles: {mm Miami In San 3:" f“ M %*;vP.";“ "f““jY1
Francisco are reporting higher drzin ‘ “"59 ” "59 "‘ "3" 3"" '° 1”,”
cleaning activity in laterals and even in °’ ma‘: ‘““"' ‘°l 9‘; 3 5"1‘i"°'t;"‘f'h '5
mmm e::.€;:e:;t;*:e:::ee::..,:ee:;
If you are a ulility receiving this line.
puhlicatieu, please consider providing ems hams M an impmam
Y"““““°‘“"“"" “““‘Y """“*5"’ cnnsideratian eye da hut es eeiall
‘Avoid nushing disinfectant wipes and . 1|. . f T.” V“ . E d’
dispuse these types of wipes in waste m I '5 '-mi 3;‘-=‘= 3-‘ pg ":2"
hinsl" ll you are an exnavalnr, especially :;l“i':"::‘f:m uclvifi ::“s'e:‘:'as
out great pluinlset friends receiving this ‘he mi miblzthin ‘D an .
pnblicalinn. please consider and share P° *3
with yum assesiatieus te "call before
2020, luu:2 sm... 511 Mlyllng . 3