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Publisher’s Perspective
I was recently told that people needed to be reminded of things more than they needed to be told things. I expect that is true. Next year, I will celebrate 50 years in this industry we often refer to as the damage prevention and/or public safety industry.
I think it would be safe to say that if we followed what we were taught 25 or 30 years ago, we’d know enough to do a much better job than what is being done today. Way back then, it was all about the same issues as I hear about today. We need more accurate maps is not a new concept, just new technology to make it happen. Hey, call me before you start to dig, and I’ll come out there and help you find my line was what we said before 811. Now the generations who’ve followed the examples of those who refused to communicate or cooperate with other stakeholders often still aren’t calling.
Enforcement has had some impact but there are times it requires more than an enforcement law on the books. Recently, I sent a citation to someone for failing to call 811 before digging and was told he didn’t have to call every time because he did this every day. He was the professional and I was the idiot. I thought to myself that’s a lot like saying “Amateurs built the ark and professionals built the Titanic.” Enforcement is not effective unless the violation is addressed within a reasonable and specific timeframe and then has final resolution so that the violator understands the consequences of not following the rules.
Thanks to all of you who have emailed me or provided feedback about this publication. After this issue, there will be one more Arkansas 811 magazine published. In the first quarter of 2025, those of you who receive this magazine and who want to continue receiving our magazine will receive a magazine with a brand-new look. The Global 811 Magazine will be a more comprehensive magazine that focuses on the 811 centers who support the magazine and their efforts to prevent damages within their states. Additionally, we will have national and international articles in the new magazine, all designed to inspire you as a stakeholder to make your areas of responsibility safer for your citizens while protecting your vital underground infrastructure.
I am certainly no prophet, and do not consider myself to be a negative thinker. BEAD money said to be in the billions of dollars in each state, coupled with the millions or billions of dollars invested by private firms over the next 3 to 5 years, damages are not going to decrease, but rather will follow the already alarming trend of increasing. The trend line has followed this practice, the more tickets called in, the more excavation. The more excavation, the more damages. I’m not sure what magic dust will change that trend.
Now would be a good time to inventory your staff, your policies and your schedules, because if you think you’re busy now, as the old saying goes, “you ain’t seen nothing yet.”
Be safe!
Roger Cox President ACTS Now, Inc.
  2024, Issue 3
Arkansas 811 Magazine • 1

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