Page 10 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 10
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aniral gas has been a a populated area might have rlozens either be marked or for the utiliry
malmtay eiArl<nn~*as or hundreds of landowners along coinpanies to respond that they have no
energy since the early a pipeline — and each one ui the-rn iacilnies in that area in Arkansas, state
leuos, eonnecting residents, eventually would like a new fence, tree law requires that you call at least two,
commerce and ind-“try lhmush n or mailbox but not more than lo-working days in
laglyerinth of pipes that crisscross the “ma Why “K 50 impumm to can 8“ advance of the planned work
’ ‘ or go online laeiore any digging activiry, whether a high-pressure transrnission
And while gm tmmmisalon cornvanles Tim said. The gas industry does a good line or other utility should cross the
have always sought to locate lush ioli of monitoring their pipelines and proposed worksite, existing utilities
pressure transmission lines in less- maintaining signage at roarl crossings shoulrl he treated with respect and
Populated area». a» towns grow beyond and long Right-Of-Ways But that kid gloves And the location of the
their original borders, oiten those doesn't alleviate a home. or business. underground facility should never be
pipelines end up in places you might owner's responsibility to contact taken for granted.
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"° 3;;~n;;n~ we Wm: d~v~be°e ...,.ae.rae.. where re,
Tiin Mason, director of health anrl Y P 5' are expsned to be due to erosion or
solely with Enalile lvlidsrreain Partners, "Our ernployees are responsible for relocation, so always dig with caution
and a registered envlmnmemal pipeline patrol, rnaking sure they are anrl use saier digging techniques like
inanager, has workerl in the natural adequately marked," Tin. said. "We vacuum Excavation and poiholing
gas industry for decades. He's inake sure tlreyre rnarked line-to-line around known iaciliries.
seen insianees where all kinrls or 9.. mg. ~ _A ‘ H I
_ 1 s an opera or, many ines peop e
“‘““.°P"‘?“‘ gm °" mp "i mm“ Y Tiin said crews oiten coine u with have asked how dee is a certain
rural infrastructure. P . . . F‘
creative ways like inlaying markers in piper” Tun said ”Tl1nt‘s not a good
"We aeen PiPEl"‘F‘ located below lush concrete to denote pipeline crossings question, because we live in a dynamic
sohool football fields, golf courses and as a less intrusive way to rnark a environrneni Dun'l assunie 1I’~‘ deeper
in Cleve Pmximity tn condos/’ Tim aaiel pipeline, but still rnake it obvious that a anrl sair: Io rlig even if you're going to
Them,‘ nmhmg Wong mm dmlopmg rransniission pipeline is present dig where you don't see inarkers. You
._ , still need to call 811 to ensure that
property that exists aliove underground Whzre can I dig? mm “W bum‘ ummh that can mm
inirasiructure, anrl pipelines are by fax V *
‘he mm made 0, ‘mspomfim ,0, If yuu plan to rlig anywhere in the an issue above ground.
this type of energy But irs important ”““°d 5‘““°' Y"l;‘8’f ’°‘l‘f“;d by , k we all live, work and play near multiple
for the iolks who inlialnt that area to be ‘“‘m‘ “W '9 C“ 1 cg 2'1‘ ‘ml 3'‘: 9‘ had. or o,,da,g,o.r..d uriliues, A.-
aware of what lies beneath their feet. °f"“'9 W‘ W“ “ ‘Pm E Pm“ ° long as we area. rlaem w;Lh r€~‘pQ([ and
‘""‘ ‘“’““"Y 43 “W” °’ “"°"""““‘“3 deference the i-isk of ever Encountering
in rural areas, there might be one days) for the utilities in the area to '
lanrlowner for several square iniles. But ‘}“="‘ "‘ P*“'°“ “ ““"“°‘Y .
a . Arkansas 511 Magazine 2019, issie i