Page 11 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 11

~; S Damage rmecnon, rm, Easy, and Accurate!
fess Release .,..a,
. . Intemnl logging wnh nana an. annlysls
. eon lime dlslanlan nlens
. Inlemnl checking
‘,9 Q - nan. W l.!..,. marker on moan
Ad Progressive 
Ljggers Hotli ne, Inc. (Wisconsin) .m.,.a a am: am llam2'mJ‘ Local: man...
no .sa...nn..n.n on n. vn=mMx-2 aanaan Hun no
Inwimun om. sym Uflmylmztnr
\ Vivlx-Il|11ullI:hCnrpur.Ilinn Jaummere me
sum n... ::A 35154. no. em. .n.a.,n.,noa ......n.a.a.....n...~.......
imuary 9, 2019
, 1 7:00pm Ianuary 9, 2019, Diggers Hcltline, Inc.
oeearnlly deployed Geocall, their new software
gladmm provided by Progressive Partnering, Inc.
(1)2; Inc.). ‘The on ere Holline staff did an excellent
at of prleparing ftigthe deployrnenl; it was as If the The Nyhf Pe0P|e doing the N|9h'Th|"95-"
‘gents had been using the system for years," sealed _
‘ri],l Turner, president of l>2, Inc. The translstion was
efagponlely smooth with a few nouficahons eannng ‘
lnglaerore rnidnight. By momlng, the eonlael center , u , V l .
f as operating nonnally with a moderale call volume ‘ * 7 , * ,  . !V;\.i';%->’;;"A"‘- ~ ‘ 7
gr’ éhis lime of year. Ben Zwelfel, exeeullve director ‘. _ ‘ ‘  ‘ ~  - ‘ I ‘ '
qf,Diggers I-Iodine, Inc., relayed that Wrogressive
' a'r_'lnerlng and their partners from Alabama and
ennessee were both helpful and accommodating smmwesuan Ewgy take, "5
Quake sure our deployment was a success. The m5pun,'bgky,m emu”
dendes and stabllity of the GeoCal1 product ~ , N - - ~r
u» - . ' .., WWW 
ould bereallzed by both staff and customers. P2, we“, .. r y ._ -  . .‘ _.
 is exdted to have Wisconsin's Diggers Hotline P ‘ .~ _/ _, 5;, -  -‘i
gin our paxmership," stated Bill Turner. Progressive , fi~. —— I -‘  fit».  ' '
gearmerlng Inc. was established In 1997 and includes e . ._ _ V , 3';-, ‘. - » I ‘ -
“lVe'v,e'n state one call programs and Gulffiafe. For ' “.-‘f y. ‘C -'._'»’;.- ' . ,
 information, go to mum.yrogrrsslvr-pammmg. -, __' In an Eme rge n Cy
wm- . .
~ » Please Ca I I .
2015, am 1 Arkansas s11Ml:gl:1me . a

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