Page 15 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 15

fences ur performing a matot eomttuetton pto,eet. Ptpdtnc

eompante. and other ul|l|uL‘~ nun maxk the latauon of tltur

hne. at no eo.t tu you t-tpehne and utility marknn may nut

show the exact tueatton cf the buneot hne. when excavating

neat p|pL‘lmL‘~, many companies wtll rcqum: that they A TEXAS GAS
have a p|pL‘hnL‘ company teptesentattve om-tte tu tmpeet V TRANIMIIIION, Lu:
and protect the underground p|pL‘lmL‘. Fathue to ean an ’ . T
bclorc cxca\‘.1l|onI~t1\slc.1d1ng eau.e oto1amage.tu buneet

p|pL‘llncs one Mmplre‘ eau ean hetp keep you uul1.»f}tann'~'



In aeeumtanee wtth reetetat rcgulahona, «Ame amaa near

p|pel|nna havt: been ae.-tgnateet a.- High can.-equenee

Amas. rot that areas, aupplcmcnlal hnzaxd aisesamcnl PWELIN E PARTNERS.

and pteventmn programs knuwn as lnlegnry Management

Programs. have been eteyetoped. If a p|pel|nc opemtot ha.-

High con.-equenee Are.1~‘,mfonm1l|on ahnul these plans Commmed to operating Pipeline Asses
may be avzulabln thtough then eompany .- wtbfltt or by . f I. bl d I. t
conladmg the upetatun corpnrak‘ officcs '" 3 53 9' '9 ‘.3 . 9 3" C9”? '3" "‘a""e'

and providing the highest level of

CAM owmsns autt_t:t on DIG on A RIGHT-OF— Customer 5en,ice_


Ptpehne nghl~'—oi—wny mual he kept ttee tmm ~'txuc|ures

and othtr obstxuchuns to promote aeee.-. to the ptpehne rot

mamtenante, a. wen a.- m the event of an emcxgcncy. If a .
ptpehne cmsics your pmpetty, please do not plam uses 0!

Iargi‘ shzubw‘ on the ngh|—of»w.1y,Do nut dtg, buttd, stone or

Elam anilhtng clm OI’ nzarlhc’nghti—ni—v»1aywfihfiutfimi ,,_,,~|, M4,‘

aytngt e ptpe tne Cnmpan) a pemnne mat | e totpe tne ca||mm,md~_

0! Make the nghl~-ofeway and Explain the company .

eon.-truetton and ea.-ement requmsmcnts to you.

The nattons |nfi’aat!ucturL‘~', tnetuohng p1p£I|n£‘~‘, am a mattnr

of nattonat .-eeunty. It you wttne.-. ~‘u~‘plc1Dus aettytty on

a plpclmc nght—of-vmy, plsaan mpon It to the appropnale

audtoxlltes as man a. pu.-.-tb1e,ot you may eau the ptpehne Saiuly '8 III  IIIIIIIII
opt:mlox’~' numbers. Threat advhonca may he found at the

Dzpartmcm ut Homeland seeunty'.- w£ba||L‘ WWw.(‘”Z5 go1v/



For mforrnallon about pipelines opetattng |n your ama, you

may eontaet the Nattonat Ptpehne Mapping System (NPMS). 3

Thto database at plpelmc opcm|ms and the lotahnn ot lhur

hnea was dcatgnnd for the pubhe to have aeee.-. to eontaet

tnrumtatton rot plpclmc eompame. upcmung tn your ama

V|al| mm.aptasayztmaa.t1ot.yua tot mote mtotmatton. It you

would hke tu knew \‘\'hl:1'\ apcnfic Cnmpamci hated an:

 address plemc na.a..,,y  Know whaI’s below.
Dcpaztmem ten hee at 1ra77—2so—s+s3e O|her resourcns G 

may be found at omee oi Ptpehne sarety Vzffp //ups tint. 3 befole you Illg.
gov, the Paxmcrshlp rot Excnlltznce tn Ptpehne Saicty

IUIA/zn.5flfepIp(' D! at WWw.p1p('[it1('1{I1.£‘UIn. For mun:

tnrumtatton on safe exeayattun, gu onhne and vL\1|IL'a/W.

catmmmgmuminlrtmzemottt A\\ A L B E  R L E”
Awatene.-. h the key to pmvcnung ptpehne acndnms. _ _

You ean mnmbum to the .atety ana .-eeuaty ofyouz Proud to be m Columbia Caunly
nctghboxhuod by knnwmg whcm ptpehnes are, and knowmg

how to zccogmze unauthonzeet t1El|V|tyol' Mgns of a leak, Na|ura| Gas (ransmtsston

E1: weu a.- huw to mspond tn the ‘case of a ptpehne aeetetent. H25 ga"‘eHnu “"25

tpehne companies contmuv: to ~lnve to be good nughbnh,

and tu.-t hke any good nughburhond wateh ptogtam,

netghbom leak out tot eaeh other. Imn m wtth the ptpehne

eompante. tn keep our families .-are 5

2019 Issue 1 Arkansas an Mxgxzrne . 13

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