Page 16 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 16
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W‘ R€H1€H1b€f
Ewe: rger
mu mmcmbm mung at my uyese and 1eammg abmu hazard~ and
wk that day WM" mm W“ pmyeeuuus. some good pyaeuees.
the wund at a large awamnt 1. Pmpam au Emeygeuey Acuon Plan
exvlna-on» Strangely thh Wm net for the job. As pyepayauon, mvmw
uneommonwur oft-ee wa~ next door (11: plan doeumems [or the lucauon
' to n tm~h compaction ~'tntten whtrh of an cxhung uuhues and the speeyhe
y _, Penerhenlly blnw up when wme -tern loeauyms [or the work In be peyruymed.
y_ . n. chm was not ~upposcd to be m tlm A Pm_P1m, ,,,m,,,g Wm, ,,m,,y
"*’\ cum moy somehow m1dn u mm tlm
‘ I _, pt - uwuey. that have yaedmes |n tlm dug
-g \_ Compactor. Bu| nus umc was dxflcrcnt. ma would ha a Pmdm. mm as M”
. é-‘:» ~‘ ; The gyuuud and the buildmg au ~hook
3 V. '- \\ ’ syguuaeauuy yhespue Lhc suuud usen 2» Notify and work with any hated
, ‘ seemmg yh.-mm. wuhm so mmules, wc Ptpehnn operate!» tn your exenvntmn
/ heayd me news Lhat than had been an area» Nnttty th=m at your expected
,1», ‘ l Cxpluuon nearly 25 mdes awav, and u tyP= at Work ~ehed-le and type of
. r W m,,,,,,. ' eymsyyueuaa L’q|Xlpl1'\Cn(|.h‘Cd(C g.,
5 dlrccuonal dull veysus open cull.
- ’ , I ma wurknn. yuamag a huuduzey wuh
a npper auaehmem, pyepaymg my the 3» Aak the‘ P-Pehne epnmtor tf they
m~ty1lIauon of a hhey opuc hue, had Wt" hm‘ a reprea-zntntwe there (tn
‘ _ V‘ mpmmd a 25_mch gm [mmm,,m,, eenam eases, fcdcml law may mandate
— \ _‘ ~ hue The gm tmn~m|a~Ion hue H nwesentatwe hung on Mtn when
' cn~sEm~sL‘d (ha proposed excavauon Working tn Pwxmntv tn n Ptvehnet
sue. The explosion and eusumg aye had h~ you npprnnch dug over and work
a lltnrally coruumnd then hudyes, leaving trnmedmtnty PEN their taethttea» hmte
g , only smau pyles of ink. Somctlung had th=m to R mtety mmt-n5»
“ ‘ ‘ _ gone very Wreng- Them Wm much 4. Contact the appyopyyaye emeygeuey
. ,': apeeulatlnn regarding thn Cause and medical m~pondcm fut tlm sue(s) so
duyenag cuncllmons weye yeaehed. am my “C mm 0, you, Wmk
» 11“, and ,.m.1a, am“, mmcd my Also, mme Lhcm my a saxeyy meeuug
4 ' mews toward safely and toward As conIractur.s, we s=t numb te
> mmum Ammgg mum ,mm,1K_ (11: myyyeaeyes of Lhc sue, but a fink
-. _. . day-to-day opeyauoa, I am pnvdcgcd to tmvnhder wnung them for the fint
su an ohms one can Law enforcement Um“ Wt“ net ht
board. And an I heay eompxamys wheye 5’ Mommg ..a;a.y and ,,h,
exenvaton am working amund mvdtum hudyues become even moye tnutal
and lugh pyessuye gas hues, I dunk back dumg cmmm,,, The mm 10,, .0
to Ihh mndcm and mhey. hkc u. M huddle W,“ gc mupcmcd bv
The rulI:~ and sayeguayds as wen as tmpmvnd Pwdumnh
the be~'t Praetlm fer Watkins Meund b. Rcpun any damages, eaused uy eveu
-thdetgmunfi ut;l(;tm>dflf= ettttlmlt find :11 named, to Ihv: iacxhty owner. Damage,
eyeavayoy. s on un Lhtzm me n~ s M" ,0 ma Pmmm m,,..E 0,. am
they taker the n~k~ that the“ En-Ployres pypehue, eau eause tataslxophm fmlurc
and me pubhe aye exposed to and d,,“,.. the ma,
the pyopey methods to avcud Lhcm
A “mph u,,dmm,d,,,g of the an Cunlml an oi the vayyahies yuu can and
pyoeess .s a good syan, yet the yules my be prepared fer the unexpvrted Thm‘
excavating mound gas hues aye moye are many best Pmettm and thh amrle
complex and mum demaudmg and for only revmenta a tnw- Setting yourself
good “,0” up my sueeess I~ crmcal to a good
1 .
Smu: 2003, PHMSA has cn~~pon~nmd °" W“ W
R? 1162 w°tk~hnP~ (RP fer M. ya»: awu rmmtm my,u.«.a.»,..yy.h»o.a,ga
“L“°"‘"‘“"d°d "m“°“‘) Thm‘ '5 “ I am 50:, he arm :w)rA«w> Hmzjovrmxvnlmu as
gyem deal of beaem hum aueadmg mm‘
m . Arkansxs an Maaama 2019 Issue 1