Page 19 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 19
CONTINUED mom mg 5 , , _ ‘
yegetattnn lnt1llzlgcnlcnt— dl~nn/crlrlg whether at’. heen ' I
cut back along the RrO—W and tr n’~ been nlnne ptnpetly _ —
And Ptlul ~ay~ tht. lcchlmlugy t. being n.ed tn nnnte '
tnnln.tne. than ,n.t ml nnnl gm Elccmc cmnpt1rlIc~ ate
bcglnrung tn n.e IJAV. tn lrhpcct high tenann hne. ,
annl wllld KIlrbInc~ Paul ad that in the pa.t, fixed .
Wing ulrcmft annl heltenptet. wete mud, whnh t. tety and .lan,;etnn., e.peually when tt lrl\'()Ivux
tcthlllclanx laattettte ttnnt a heltenptet. ~1hete ML‘ ,n.t .n
tnanv dllrlg~ that lnaku nltnne. thctlpcr and .atet ~ I -‘
sarety, a. alway., I~ a kcv tartar when zldnptlng new -
technology and .ntnethntg thnt Ix t1l\\l:ly~ nn the nnnnl.
nt dmru: npetatnt. t. the .atety and Icgtlllty nt piloting
them In \'arl()Ilx arcax Paul ~t1ld thnt a let of what they
do I\ nnal, but when they enter tnnte nthan area. they
11a\.c tn be aware nt the ahttetent rL‘gult1[Inn~ they may .
Encounter F1_'dL'[alA\'1atmn Adnurlhtratlml (FAA) and
.tate rcguL1Klnn~ ate thanglllg qtnekly, hut nnt qtnte \\/
a~ qulcklv a. IJAV teehnnlnev t. tldvanclrlg For the . . l . V‘ ,
' ' .4244 nA..JJ4J;—4.JJ.1
tnn.t patt, hnweyet, l=nnl teel. that ntle lnakcrx keep ,4,” ‘ K I J V p 7‘
the tntete.t. uf ptpehne nnnl Illlllty (mnpamC~ (whteh ..J-al.t H .
atteet all \[t1kl_'|\(l]dL‘Y~}Ih tnnnl There are varmu~ dmnu ,
a~\():It1[I()rl.~ that Heath bulmlgx tn, lrlcludlllg nne .peethe 1, * “
Energlzlrlg Chamnilry
-—~ W _-L ,, ' -(
~ ‘4 » ' «..
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/I’ '
.1 , __ .
__ _r K‘ .. ,_
. ‘* - _ , t,
, V _'
" ‘ ‘ ,__ ._; '— 7 Pipeline safety starts
*’ _ r . ‘ {mm the gxound up.
All ta. »t tl‘l\l—!.l V n ‘l \'
tn the cnL~rg_v ~ccmr, .n they can .tay lmurlnud nt any
new tegnlattnn. nt l1_'gl.~latl0n n. at t. klclng enn.taleteal
Latet lhl~ year, Heath Ix ltmklng tn expand then lnte
lneattne \L'r\'l:cx tn nttet a ennttaet .etyne Imllg dmnc “Wm W, W mm
lcchllultlgy tn lrhpcct p1pc~ But they 11 n}l\()dL‘VL‘1UPl\'\g M m_ "ts me ,aw_
um’. tn .ell tn Cnrltra(lur~ "I: there’. a .emee ptnynlet
that wnnt. tn do leak dctccmm, they ennlnl buy nne _ _
nntn n. and gut mm that bI|~Inc~x A trt1II\ml~~nul “" "“"' '"'"""‘ “"‘V
enmpany that wt1rlt~ tn tln then nwn lrhpcctlollx ennlnl "“"'"‘“"“" “‘
buy nne Iron! u~ tn hne n. tn d()1(a~ cmllltlctor " Paul
.atnl anothur uptnm l~ tn p|Ir(|\:\>L' )u~t the nleteettnn
etnnpnaent and xuflwarc and add ll tn then nwn nltnne
A. cxcltlllg a. the.e nleyelnpment. nte, Heath t.n't dorm
Pnnl wehnett expeet. Heath cnn.nltant. tn ennttnne _m_:,::,_‘
tn leanl In the tleyelnpnaent and zldtlpmtlurl nrnew call--mo--la l at l
teehnnlnete. tn maku all n.peet. nt the enetgy nnln.tty
.atet and tnnte etnetent tnt yent. tn ennte 5
' 2019 Vssitc 1 Avvallsas E11 Mag-31"‘4‘ ' 17