Page 21 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 21
awlll alub ll. !! ls" "F: 55 fil ii"
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fi;;:g,;fi en; .. !!§o§I_ !!oa!x
Czln’t get 21 good ground? N ow what? EV5“-"9 5'9""
Llmmllg ls rlaIalI5hnl'!gl'l155 and navemem. Ewlylhlllg mm hlwk to ll/wu mu hnok fa n rlrlzll) doesnnloays luemllb U5/1y5 n mu an (hr
back So, we've found an aim Iumlar whv has hml crlllcd lm many rlrltrs/bl’ help. He nusn ': lrlwlzled m bulldlllg Ihcflrsf Ilmzmlg dmee, but be
prvblzblv usvd LI one.» or me.» hejare be llpgnzdedl we xwlrnllle Slave Bmzlc Ia lmr/rlllllly o/salym mum ('xp('l'I5. H15 scrlcs C] m'!lrI('5 an Ihc
Mpmmlllg K11 Mlzgazlrlesarc mmnell wlth yum, me ulllllylunamr, m mlllri I/hrdaesrl'Irnzlcr lmurqlmsflall, /usrmrlt/zcl Mm rmdlet Mm respond
ta WlAl'spA':1firsl!lAl1!mll lkmm Vw’IIbnrll7l'c rhrm glad to belp _l/nu 39! II rlghf Publlsllcr
nyone wbo bn.- been eable navel to the end of Lhc eable. [1 maybe rbe ‘ulnmd ends, obbougb po.-nbly
loennng for any llme wlll that you need n devlcz that ba. even a .n.ula.eel, wlll bave iomc eopoenonee
be qulck to polnl out a hlghcx frequency that you typltally u~l: fl[1"()~aI1'1E‘DinL U~lng low frequency
[cw u.elul facb that belp to help you on Lhls one. Typltal locate PIPE dulcctlng lcchmquna eloe. not
to locate a enble or plplt rbe.e may bequenelea (End to be In the range of get a good ngnnl path but awltchlng
lnclude: 51ZHz to 3ZkHz Tbe.-e imqucnuza to 4B0kHz allows (11: signal to u.-e Lhc
offnr good ngnnl to nolse locates where enuaenanee of Lhe ‘mm to jump over Lhc
' ’‘‘‘*'“Y‘ "Y ‘° “‘“ “ 1°“ ““l“““‘Y good gmundlng l. present. Have you .n.ulaleel eeuon
. Mm mm dm hm hm good comidzmd uslng wmcthlng m the A WM of mm“ _ A. We hm
“°“““““3’ “"3” “‘ AME‘ f” "M g'°““d'"g aeen Lhc uie oi1u:i\ frcqur:nclc~ aueb
n . l . 7 ’ l ’ ’
- Mobe ~un: that both enela are well " " '°"‘ 48UkHz can be benelielol In mnny
gmudddd so why 48L\kHz? well the answer is :utum~(an(es,bul llke all good (lungs
that at -I8l)kHz the Mgnfl1V\'l1l”blCCd tlmm ..- n dnwnsldlz. Understanding
' Mala: «gm you molt a $004 gmlmd off” Lhlz table due to Ihn dlslnbutzd these lnnnnbon. eon «ll! allow (11:
C°“"“"°" eapoenonee of Ihn enble to gmund use! to appreciate Lbe bcncflts of lugb
Them are an good su$ges‘lunfi’ bu, Tl\2m’~ no neeel to go lnlo exulonnnona frzqulzncy loenle tunm. Tbe two main
We kmw ma, me ,, “O, dmyg M, of what l1'1l~ 13, but sllffice n to m1y— duwnsldei am
simplrs. Toke, for lnslanct, me tlurd lac ‘lug:-for llwfiroq-I12"? Ill-C zmfiltr 1) If mm am my “mmm “why ‘hm
suggestion "make sure both end.- am I we ma» ow lm e P‘ W" N R danger mm M ablmd 0,, mm
well gmundnd." Many tablm wlll ungm-I-<l=ol tabla lmoauve the an alga mm m a amend ma mm
not be gmundnd at the far end (Dr Lhl: mvacllance swam -1 "°"°‘P5F“d° so mgmm’ fl fl, mm“ "Mb" ’
blsgmnmg for Lhal mailer). Applying gm-mrl that allows the »-goal lo lo-M duwgh Lg’: ’gfu“_md may mg‘ a M‘:
" '0'” "“q“=“°Y °‘l%""‘ '°‘“‘= ‘°“° "‘ ‘mm ‘M °°“d““‘°3"“‘° d‘° 5“’““d Lg on odlsr unbuea msullmg In mulnple
lbeae :u'Cum~'t2mcl:~ enn be frulllew. and an cvmplelna E mm-l back to 2 ” ’
.- 1eh..Th .-l d be.- .11
For cxamplt, ohorl telephone drops in a lranam-llcn U~-us the 48lJl<Hz morlv (‘mgfl‘fi)(:‘;“;°m1‘}::‘q‘u:
pmmlaz wlll pmbzlbly not be grounded, lk‘lP~ dvleol Ll-cos olmn, unearthed ‘can hug’) to mung, gm (mm one ’
pol ended noble. that bnve been able dl°P>»
mnmnatzd because Lhey are no longee mg b not the end of am wry M 2) As the algnal wlll ”bleed off" over lbe
requlmd or beeau.e they bave been lald mkHz can am ht H mm MP m elnube lenlglblot (112 inble, mi elmslnee
In ant-cllml-on cl bemg med law an dclutllng older eaal non ““ 1'5"“ ‘l‘l’Le‘l’“‘ “Lg” W15‘ “E”! °
also not I-my to bcgrounded Many uiIh£~l:p|pl:llne~ wlll hnvc gl P-PM 7; ho" 33° ago;
. xnuzncwlnzl. ~nu enoe
Ii them ..- no ground, or the gxoundmg msulalnol lo-nl~' Th-~ vlecmoal g dmql mm; 15:, figqumcy mm mm
,3 Poor’ mldng a good gmmd lnsulatlon my be a rnaullof tnnodlng H1 Y _be_l h d d_
m,mm,m g, dd appymdon Pm, and nnnla ond nus. and bulb, uxbecaum the ;;::3'~.~ W at goo grow a are
dwdddg M d,.d.m,;g, ,, no, gmdg mzllenal u.-ed lo nun the plpfla * '
(0 MP mm, H, mm ,. nowhm eon (male an ln.ulaleel ‘amt. Elther way, 1/ yum lune qlltafluws an eannnenls won:
for «be algnal to unvel to if Lhcrc 13 no llus -5 lmol new for someone lrymg Hlls amele ur rtllxftd ILIy1(5,fi'('[fI('('ID
gmund at am fa; md_ wd ..1“,.dd “,2 d to detect Lhe pomlon of the plpellne. mrmxrf Steve at
dlffcmnl tnchnlqul: to gel the algnzll lo Calm!-vs effects help hm al~° .,
sfcvc L'?YIZlC("/LIXYlZf.l'l71ll
2019 Issue 1 Arkansas 511 M.e.nn. . 19