Page 22 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 22
Royce Brown, -- ' u” .-
ARKUPQ G 1 ‘ ‘ " ’ A ' '
L enera . . é -ff‘ / / "1 +
_ o l ~ ‘ .
Manager 0fF1eld : \ 4- .
O erations Retires ‘ - \ \ -2 "' ‘
P . \ x \ \ — .«
5 ‘Q ' “I ‘ gt l, , S, I
[most1Uynaxsago,Ruy:cBmwn I l ‘r \_ K a .1
:lu.~.cd1.»IIta4U~yeaIc.1xtvxwlth ‘ ~ ‘ ' . ’
CL‘nlcxI’o|ntEnL‘rgy,khcatalda 1 ,- “ ""' . - .
lnrgesl gas dlslnbllllon syslem. V I l \ 1;, :1;
But he dldn’tlc.1vL‘ C£nlcx[’u|nt lo sn on the "5
fionlpoxch Imlc.1d,hl:acccplL‘da mle as 1;.
ene oitlmiouxrcgmnalmanagumiorlhu ‘
nauen's only nol—iuI»pml'll mnlmel locating <‘
enmpany, ARKUPS Bung lne mglonal
manager for the eennal mglon ofArk.1ns.1~ l
was, and .s, a lugh-profilv: pennnn Over
the nexl [cw yeazs as the management \ <_-9-.
slnlennenlanneel, Ruyteaccaplcdtlmmlc _—‘ K - — ~
as general manage! for all field epenmens L; 7 ‘{
asoppesed lo]u~tt1\c ccntmlpaztoitlm r-— ‘ ,3‘
slnle. — , _ - -— — ‘
Ala mtcnlnsummcntgatlmnngi0rRoycI:, - ' , :, _ ‘fl’ A:
hesnld, "ll would lnwebeen an nnpnssllale ». . , ,—: ‘ =-=-- .: - » __—";___-—~'
mlncxcc lfoxtlmcommllmcnluiall — c . ;_,_ _' “'7'Q
[1'1L‘lUCfllC||’!Silnda|.IpCYVl~DY~ln Khcficld. ""‘-‘ ' -_ 49 — T V" : _.V.
ARl<ul>slssueeessmlnollaeeause nuns: — .1 ___"- ' r — ‘~ ‘ “=>‘
one 0, W, Pmpk, Mumps ,. R ;m,;,, mm mm Drl:»<, dxxur-5 Cmmll w.,..lan a;sn,l,..n e,nl.n,.,. .»nn.»,.n.n; In Rmllzflmzm
and works‘ lugclhur as a slngle uml, glvlng
II the oppoxtunlty to become even more
As proof of lns slacenlenl, ARKUPS slaneel ‘ \
em lotatlng my 16 pannvsn In 1999, as of ¢ 0
M.1xd17,thv:m a!c76 pannexsnnlmnglnen at 1.. ~ '
Louklng back un1u~ almost 113 yeah wld.
ARKUPS, Royce applauded the localun ,_ -, l .
wlna made (ht enmpnny sneeesslnl He ‘ <i‘;_>:‘L_.._ 1
slngleel oulScuttEowmanwho hasslnee : V
been pxomulcd to gcnual manager of field I. ~ 1
opuatl1.m~ Ruyccsald,"Sculth.1~morc '—._ § _ .
lhanc.1mcdlhl~puamun He taught me '7" \ ‘M’ ‘n ‘
what l needed to know to be sueeessml and - ,~ : I V
I'm cunfidnnt 1m’ll exeel In 1u~ new role as "4' > £‘—L /
gv:nnralm.1nagcx." ,:E.u._“l._\.;\‘_‘%,.v__,_ - ' V, /
5Uyuah1.»fwoxk.Ing Kopmlcctundcrgxound 7;.‘ :;Il';4f" 2; ‘ ‘ I‘
uullty llnes ls qulle n lngacy Thanks, my ' “ 5"‘ " /
fnnndiorglvlngllallyv.»II}mdioxalnng 7‘. ‘ ‘ .-. 2;.‘ ,
Kll'nL‘. Reyee sald, "II was me l nnave en 7 . 3., ‘ '
and new tl\l:.~n pnaiesslennls wlll make u %——~': 17., \
even laeuen But dun’l look fax me an the »
frank porch anytime won." fig _
Urfn sn... BlHA.NlLM, ARKLW5 Cm:vrlll\1mm\*tvn/ Fmm Upwllltvflln u)u\'vlmlll1tA «aw Bvmlw ma n.,nnnl.
20 . Arkansas an Magazlrle 2019 Issue 1