Page 11 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 11
The training niodiiles llial From llie riiiiii-e designs gel added we are zsszntially ei-eaiing a classrooln Environmznl. in llighi
io lhein niodiile lihi-ai-v. and ihe oi-iginal llienl i-eeeii-es lhe li-aining, _voii mighl have hair an hoiin wilh a lliglil inslnillon
ahililv lo lieense ihe lools lhai ai-e developed lon liiliii-e iise. lalking alioiil slalls. Thev ll show slides, vidzcls and share
. . lliein haekgi-oiind expenienees. onee ihe Eiassrclclrn portion is
For inslanee. lliey ane eiii-eenilv woi-king lo ei-eaie a haekhoe 1 h _ d _ H. I h k d
sm]m_ [Dr 3 mm 0 h . , d I . eonip ele, you go io l e iaiinae, o your pie ig ii e ee an go
pany. nee l ai lnaining mD ii e is “ in “mm our mus . hg said
laiinehed. anoihen eoinpany, say an zxcavalion tompany: P P Y * '
eolild hii-e From llie riiliii-e and develop il liii-lhes inio a In lhzir svslein. all or ilial iakes plaee in ihe virtual woi-1d.
Iraining eoiinse speeisie lo ilieii- needs. Then ihe company llial ineliiding lhe elassi-ooni portion. The ii-ainees keep iheis vii
originally li-onled ihe invesiinenl for lhe liasklioe siniiilalon eopiipnienl on and are ahle lo see a vii-liial hlaekhoai-d wilhiii
geis a portion of lhe liiiiii-e lieensing i-eveniie. llie simulation lhai is iised lon ei-ei-vlhing li-oni pioieeiing films
. , l d ' ' ' ' .
liisiin said lhe liai-dwane has finally Eallghl iip lo llie ° 3 "““““"“‘5 P”? "“‘“”
eapahililies ofVR soliivai-e ilial has heen availalile loi- same And lhe whole iiine. lhe lrainzr ean see wlial eaeh individiial
iinie. is doilig and assisl wheli lhev see an issiie arisz. Plus. when
.. .. , (l'll' ll, l>dI(h' '(l'
--The ability lo do iliis kind ol lrammg is Véry recenl, he D}°:':‘“m:'n“t“‘:h‘i'd: l‘:E{§;jul“‘::‘if]‘°
5-'*“*> "W "35 1"“ "°““‘* ‘°” 3 '°"€ “'"~ -“"1 "-'*‘"“‘€ ‘°" nealilv P— inia ine a rzahvorld classroom wilh zo ii).-ipellhoes i-iiii
a eoiiple ol veaes, liiil il wasnl efiicienl. ll required Very 1) » . 5 . . .
. » y noviee openalons going all al onee. and you ll see why VR is
expensive loinpiilei-s and VII seilips ilial wzre tzlhered io lhe k. h . . . .
. nia ing a iige inipael in ihe veiv neal World ol salely lnaining. Q
eoinpiilen through a eahle.
M l rh - d r - b
The hardwarz culrrently einploved hy Frum lhe riiiiii-e allows fi"‘j;:’:"If‘}',;S’,“m‘,‘l"’,‘(‘:’;m " “’"""'”’ “” ‘ ‘ °J7“'"‘9‘ “"' "
ihe ii-ainee lo inove ai-oiind frzely. and ncll he eiielinihened by ‘ ‘
wirzs and extra Equipmenl, giving inoie [rzedclln and a neal—
world ieel.
--The hardware leehnology finally eaiighl iip lo ilie sollwale, T
and folks who see lhe value of VR (raining arz alHn." he said. IVIETROTEGI-I
The eoinpaiiys peogeaniniens san eiisloinize eaeh inodiile ion .,_,,,_5, Pr°.ac‘i°"’ F35‘, 5,5,, m, ,,m,,,,,,
siiiialions lhal sumeonz inighl eneolinlei- in lhe lield. And
eaeh iinie lhe siiniilalion is son. a dilieieni scznario ean play - create «mailed cross have msvecuen moms
oiii. keeping trainees engaged and on iheii- loes as well as - iiioonioi lagging wllh tlmm data analysis
keeping lzarnzrs loeiised in (raining.Tln'owingl1wzm a eiiive - Real lime aisioilioii aioiis
hall oeeasionallv helps. - hlhelnal oaiiinalioii chetklnfl
"We ran creale any kind of situation or scenario or
eondilions, ineliiding wealliei oi- gioiind eondilions.
envilonmenial eondilions.‘ Jlisiin said. mm Wm, mm mm, W W,“
one ol lhe seelions of lhe haekhoe ii-aining niodiile lhals ;";;_j§“;:;;f;j:fl:m;°‘3'”'°
culrrently iinden developinenl einphasizes ihe need io eall sii
lieloi-e digging.
The seenanio will ineliide a simulated call lo lhe loeal an
senviee, and one or sevei-al pnei-eeoided messages will play \\
loi- llie lnainee. They iniisl neall app.-opi-ialely io ihe message. .
--The sii call is part or ilie eheeklisi. Thzy have a flat sei-een
inohile deviee [lliink iPad] in VR ilial yoii san iise lo rzpon ,
io an The arm“ ahle io rotzzd loiwaid on inission iinlil ‘"‘‘’‘‘”'‘‘’'’‘'“'°'"‘‘“°''‘’’°"” '“ “"“”"‘“"‘"““‘“"“""
_- y _ P V upm 15Mnhl in hlvmhwllh Km vCamMX—2 insiiihniion i.n.s mm \\/Mam
ihai is eoinpleied: liislin said. illspacllnn Gamma 5yslIm Llnhly lnaio.
The siniiilalioiis nissioiieoi-ieiiied. and lhe
poinls and is nanked hased on how aeeiiiaielv lliey eoinplele
eaeh lask. The whole iliing woiild solind like a video game, il v-v-x-M--we--en Curvnnlinn GE) 1 an
ihe real—wor1d oiileonies werznl so sei-ions. :lZ51D\\mIASlruI. ioiie... iooasosisa en.i i-iuiflvxmlvnm
Sanlaclan oiseos. usA ens. 4IAn!—734—IWU niim.iisii.m.n.aiiii
2020 issue 1 Armns:sE11M:ga1lne . 9