Page 9 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 9
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g’\\k“\\'.~i,-iv’ \\ '; L ) .3 ' . ’ Pipeline surety starts
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C.-.11 Concepts Locating st-tvicos (()(J(ILS). Renegade Manna
Ranger Boats. Denali Reds. Daricn is Fishing and TH Maxine.
what we a|‘L' trying to accmmplish with our mo.-ts and cant
(hank (hem cnough."
Are you i‘ntemsmr% in (his SL:1WD1aYShl|1? Look bL-law in see if R
you qualify to. this very unique SL‘]\\D]a|‘S]u|L
~ This program is ro.- yumh. A711 years old who Compete in
Ccllnpeiiuvt‘ bass fishing.
~ The prmgraln \\S launching in Vlarclw 2020 at Aht Classic with
AL8n for students in trade sclmuls ot Cmllcgl‘. Vlusx ho .1! least p|pEL|NE PARTNERS’
.-. Junior in High sclwnl tu S1-nicIrin(Im1legL'.
~ On a “D.-imago pxcvcntimn nntc' this Schcllarslnp applicalion _ . . .
includes asking: Are you familiar Will] the Natianal xi. Number _C0mmIfled }0 Operatlng PIP_e|Ine Assets
that you Contact before you dig? Aha in two scnmnccs tun us In a safe. re|I_al?|e and cqmpllant manner
wliy ifs imponant. and pI'OVldll’Ig the highest level of
~ in suto to short this program with touts who qualify. ‘“5‘°'"e' 5e""‘e‘
To apply gm to wxuwIherltreltmxlucam, rutuhouu (])9ri1:'ecnonIIA
|ns(ag|‘an'\\ I/xedllecfrallll/fishing.
Yml can [allow ‘-1-ht DirL‘ctim1"a( IA/wxU.t’/xedn‘eC;‘70I)Il/ -
tout. an Facclmok a( f])Er17I‘€CItorl;‘I) D! uu Inslagxam at
Tune in to "The Din-ction this year and join in (he rutiv W "'""m"l'| "'|'“'“M"""'du
2020 out 1 Artuns:sE11M:g:1me . 7