Page 7 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 7
The Summlt. Another Tool for Promoting
1“ Amnsas Damage pgrformance. lla headlines our even! How do_ We bllild a-luegeiive damize
pmvgnuon 5u,n,n,,,,,ings Ih|s¥earand‘wllldlallzngealtendzzs preventxon_p1nwograr;-(- _n caxpve avu
an “,9 i,,d,mymkEh,,1d9,.S Io (hmk oulsldz llwzlrconnforlzonzlo pmgramwn om event-vm} o-cervnem
mgfllm ‘mm mm ll" ,[1.;aVa.ha ;,,,P.,5s;h1a, for all slVa:,tlel1o1l‘l2rs:‘ Ther2d|s no simple
stale to promotz excavation safely and This 23, ,m,m,,k,l,o sintludg ‘““V": ‘°““‘°"‘“‘° "“““3“
na prclleclion of undzrground W; L°;a,o_. (rainhngpled by M P'“;;;3*;"' ‘V;a1'hk"°‘V {“""j;;; ‘
infraslnlclure. It is an opportunily Io v . . v ~ - - ?V°“ ‘ “° °' “‘‘V“ “V” .‘, mm
“Work Wm‘ mm in all industry w gnglsswonges P-1;:-dent?-1-ty,Tr§|nInz Ideas on how to gel lhzre and us easy
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find to Ilwe laugh queslions. wff,k:L"§;;}_.°j;d;{“§f;;;:’j‘g§:‘ W“ “"¥°"* *1“ 5*‘°"“’
The third annual Arkansas Damage Prvsidm‘ ACT5 New ‘M-
P . S . .1”) I M h VVher2 are we and how do we get
"°Y“““°“ “‘“‘“f““ .” ‘E. 3“ ‘3 TrainingClassesfomvmrarlors Io wherewzwamlo hz'.’Fcu'mDsl
“°‘f=¥]‘"4" 33”‘ “°"Y*";‘°f‘ “§“;°* and nude-ground Iacilny organizations businesses those
on pnlqaozoan pnngae. '1‘-V _ 1 1 d . _ . . .' _.
Arkansas and is designed to provide 3§la.i.a°.§.C..C'§l§:Z§na¥7fa§‘ZZ§rfi§l., ““"°““?‘ "“‘“‘,‘;’"." “"f"‘f ‘fi","%,"‘
safelv edutalion. tenification (raining lntamm, -[hm l,_.,in;n “sic,” ,‘'‘.‘w"? ‘E ""3 V ''"P.‘’' a"' " °. °“
andalookaulnalalaamalnnnlngyron Wfllbgéx mm T,,fm5i,m,a,.E €““‘*."*““"““‘*'““"?”"‘“'"‘“5‘V
undergrwndex<ava-i°n- dzsi net] 5» hel na searchforsollllions """°“'H° '’‘'°“”’ W“? "'75-‘ °‘
g _ P _ r us undzrstand when we area It IS the
Among the highlights of this year's mher ‘1““‘J“5‘ P“""d? ‘hm --gnmng to where we want to he‘ that
conferente are: 0“, mm}, [0, answm my lead us to often frustrates us.
Dr. Jenkins known as “D.-. Bowliz wndudr 111-“ WE need mm irainiw Looking for answers to the dlmnnll
Todd\\ is Ilwe founder of Eowlie -no-‘E efirwvz messages‘ 0-‘ E1“-1525 91 queslions is the primary molivalion
Leadership 41 Davalnpmm a tompany ‘he W°rk‘°rH- Some“-"95 We dmrmlné behind the crealion of this efizctive tool
dedicated to bringing divzrsz people ‘hat W2 cannot get -0 where W2 W_3“‘ in the Arkansas damagz prevznlion
Iogellwer to increase individual or I0 be by °}'rse1ves- W2 need effect-vs Ioolboxa the Summit.
organizational prcldutlivily and Parinmhlps to arlmve our goals-
Hope loses you there! a
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2020 Issue 1 Anuns:sE11M:gazlne . 5