Page 6 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 6
EyDn Lorry Cole
i-orn where did These people appreriaTing diversiTy is The role raiher generaTion wanTs a halaneed lire.
come? They look different wiTh Than The exceplion. The eonsTanT They dDn'I wanT To he deiined hy Theii-
TaTToos all over Their hodies and sTream of adverTise.nenTs enroiirages eareers. Their independenee streak is
pierted ieweliy in Theii- nose, eonsniners To eonsider The realiTy ThaT also quickly evideneed when working
Tongiie and “other plaees" TliaT seem a --diT=ierenT is good so hiiy ine: This for yon dc-zsn't Tnrn work To Their
hiT sTrange. And‘ They aeT diT=ierenTly. genei-aTion is simply expressing The saTislarTion, They leave. They were
, inessage ThaT The “oldzr adiili" world has lnnking Tor a ioh when They loiind The
These ai-e The yonnger generaiion . . .
h . . heen TearhingThern—di«erenT is good. one They have and They ran find anoiher
°"““““"93°‘YP'”"V'““"'““° conse iienil Their h sitala earante one when needed
These yoiinger people tonslitulz Ioday's . . P r. l.isTenTo me. Accompanying This
of Their dilierenee *
yoiinger TalenT pool. You're excited ' --rne" aTTiTiide is The experlalion TliaT
abD\\Il(l1at|'ig1wt? Living This diF[erente is They have The righi To express Tlieii-
. . noT always good. Tlneintidenreof opinionand lheyexpecl yoiiio lisTen To
leneoiirage you To read a iasrinanng . , I ( H I d d I ._ . ‘ , d
h H] J T mm m d nareissisin oriie DUIS on se aTTie lln ersTan Tieii poinTso view an iise
°° Y “'1 ‘““3°‘ ' * ' 9 ex ense ol The lack oieinpaThy [or Thern heeanse “I said so' The hoTTorn
Generaiion Me.Twenge snmmarizes P . _ . . . * .
, . oihers isieporTed To he aT an all—Tiine line is TliaT They expEE( eollahoraTion
her researrh wiTh This age group . . . . . .
. . . high wiih This generaTion. Bah agamr i-aTlier Than yoii To exercise yoiir
along wiTh oTherpnhlished sindies. ‘h. . . . . . .. .
, . . , . is generaTion is living wiTh pop anihoriiy.
lTs a raseinaTing read and This arTiole c_mms.. um “mum um mm“ to
highlighTs several lrey findings TliaT he dmspmm Dfpwplkmn Mr 5. Mental healTh. voii may he
apply To The worlr envii-onme.iT. mm siirprised To learn Thai in spiTe or
. . P ’ growing iip thinking The ivorld eenTers
i. l)il=ie.enTis H d Th. d h. d .1" h
._ _ d This a. n open enT. is age groiip aronn Teir wanls an wis zsyresearc
5"" ' I. greiv np heing Taiighi ahonT The shows This age groiip erperienees moi-e
5°“"“ '°“ irnporTanre omnex‘ having a high anxiely Than previous generaTions
'' ‘”“‘‘°‘'“ 1; T 'ThTl TT' ThT dd - ' ' ' [H l
> mmhe se es eein wi ieerper aion a an epiession is ,nsTawayo ie. n
M They ran he anyThing They wanl To he. rarT The ineideni raTe of depression is
"’°'h consequenily They exhihiT an aura or esTiinaTed To he aT leasT ID — is% higher
. W "9 eirpeTTing a sneeessliil hinire wiTh an Than previons and some
. exeellenT ioh and making a loT of money. sTiidies repori as high as 50%. This
(5 V , why, heranse They deserve iT. generaTion has learned To erperi iiisTaiiT
’ " ~ I '. The “it's all ahoiiT inel syndrome is also 3““fi“"‘,‘°““Td ""‘E“"‘°‘““%,"
1 iv . h, H 1 d. I . I (. experTaTions hii The real world There
1 /i ~ “"5 '° 9‘ E ‘“ P“. P.".'““g ""3 '5 is a clas1w.Comp2Iilicln To enier some
.i V,_, eonsidered aresponsihiliTy olTheadnlT . . , .
\\ “r world To marry and raise a lamily This ‘‘[“‘“§'‘‘“h'‘ 1”; 3'1"‘ “‘‘“K d“ “°‘ ‘3“‘
- ==.,-‘ 7 -‘ i . . '. Tieir rsTo oiee. ea izingT eyare noT
h~-3:: V “ .'\\ 5°";_j:‘;:"lD“;fg“: geTTing rieh and prohahly woiiT arhieve
e. on ‘ . . The siandard ol living enjoyed hy
*" is ‘* , "“";§S';‘;':‘s:‘;f]‘§‘u‘:;‘“ 5”" Their parenTs Take iTs Toll. The hoTTom
, . line is TliaT There are many soiiroes or
3. Wnrkzlhic. The einoTional pressiires To eoniend wiTh
complaint is This and many £22] overwhelined. .
age groiip does .ioT
.. exhibit The work
' ‘ : , eThieo£previons Lon-ycote,P/TD,/oiaiirierlTeamMiu®,
generaTions. Inc. and the Team.Mu.x® melhndnlogies
"‘ ,, _ - ~ The fact is This U7improveemployeeper/ornmnceIn
a “ y T nlaxrmizefillflntifllSUCCESS.
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A . s11Mi:g.:zine 2020, one i