Page 21 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 21
pipeline sn-nernre if trenching and [our font elearanee if - i . -
di-illing. Maintain rhe path and the same depth atrclss the _ ‘ ,
entire width onhe pipeline |'igh(—of—\\Va;/y which is normally a y "',f., I g 1
distance of25 feet on both sides ohhe pipeline sh-neuire. ./, M C ' s‘
The L-xcavaliun erew shonld safzly expose the pipeline to ‘ ' ‘
identify lhz exact loearion and deprh of llwz pipeline prior to "
any excavation on Ihe right of way The pipeline should he .
proleclzd at all Iimzs while it is expuszd.
Identifying Heavy Equipmenl sate Crossing Area is
Many of our older pipelines are fairly shallow. Thousands of 1 _ -‘
iniles oi n-ansrnission pipelines were installed in she early to -
inidigaos, prior to strict conslruclion rulzs. Many of these
lines were installed Iwo Io lonr fzzl deep but over rhe years
they have heen gening closer and eloser to llwz surface due
ro zrusion, earlhrnooing in a farm field or general iarrning T
ope.-arions. The shallow lines are snhieel to darnage or i
fracture cracking one to heayy equipment driving over the f
lines. The pipeline technician will alen the extavation erew
oi rhis situation and onen identify a safe plaee to move heavy 1,4,? M _‘ . _
equipment aei-oss. lnhere are no safe areas In eross the ' ' ’_,'._”_ ‘N: . . _
pipeline, reehnieians will normally require rhe zxcavaliun '33“ l l ‘ - - T - 3‘
crew in hnild one. This is done by mailing the line hy use or ‘ . ““*“" ' f 3)’
rinrhei-. metal or hnilding a dirt hridge hy adding a few fen ar . i
rhe erossing point. L _
crossing pipolino with Non—_\\/lolallio Lines
when crossing an opei-aroi-‘s now, insrall a tracer wire for L A N
nonmelallic loreign lines. This enahles rhe pipeline to he j
located ae.-oss the now in rhe lnnire. Its always a good idea p,,_,vm c,,_,m,,,
ro also install warning Iape oyer rhe non—mL-tallic line lor rhe
entire width oi rhe right of way.
These arejusl a lew examplzs and rhere are many rnore.
The (L-amwork between pipeline reehnieians and excavation
er-ews in llwz lield lreeps us all sale. Many hazardous material _ -.
pipelines i-on righr through many peoples haelryards and a -g. -
line strike or damage to rhe pipeline line ean he catastrophic. ‘
l have a pipeline righr of way loeared within 300 feet of my "
pillow. This subjnct hits elose ro hoine lor .ne. 3 I
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fin‘. ,-a V. .. , v_ _ x i guyunsnmymourppolinosysloms
Flute halp us Rug you save
can an bolnre you 439.
.1 ye... ufu ylynlvll u/lrv pmpulv t\\pu>mg p..,i.n,..., llu F0, We inhmmn ,,,
unmul w-paw ppalin. ml-gmy 90 lo wwmognmm
2020 Issue 1AIksnsssS11Msgszlu: . 19