Page 22 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 22

Happy 2020! byluhnlazobl
}c-I haPl2md_1a5i yhar * but 5 people were hospitalized and 75 355"“ 'l"“"’ '"5“13“°"‘ ‘"33’ °' ‘"33’
H was 2 felatmly Shh year residents evaeuaied. This particular “°‘ "*5" ‘-
for P-helm; The Nat-anal line had an elemac flask-—we1ded seam lnvesligalions take time. Investigators
T‘?"5P°"f3‘|°" SafeIy_ B<>_ard and was coated wilh mal Iar hul, as of wanl to get it ”rigl|I" and try Io avoid
(N1_‘:BI(°n1!¥_IntV2sI|ga|e1S tw‘-I P‘ll39]'“" Januaryl I. 2020. l“iIT:B had not released ;u...,., m;dan.5_ Guess w},a._a we ALL
es. en 5: irs 1 a21nL‘ na ura as v - - - . V
3 5 any P" Immary n mgs- ake mislakes we say cu do Ihmgs
. . . . in -

mam al the conneclmn us a 41nL‘11 mam _ ‘hat if we had it ,0 do We, again we
(both plastic) was damaged by a u-sgd— °fi“;?“S‘v- ‘.’;;“jW."* "my, "gm 1,‘ probably would not. The same gas: is...
party excavalclr Installlngafihemplic lnln-2-new Ens"-zms» c age 2:2 ‘hing: we did no‘ dm

cable in san Fnaneiseo. The leak caughl ‘W0 hm-I59 they were th-2 ‘W0 in-tired

fin km “W Wm “D in]-,,,;eS_ -mm‘, by the NTSB. Both enuld have heen The helium line — Iry In dn Ihings so
was an evamalion and service In several -n-rh “’°'§9» That sand, the lass nf Ihat ynu would not feel uneoinienalale
hundned cuslomers was temporarily W" one hh -5 S-=meIh-ng that should explaining what happened to a jury or —
cunailed. Second‘ a 3o—inch—diameIer navy: he rlzn-io_r-ed» Whatvdcbthese two even worse — in ymlr sueihenll

natural gastransmissinn pipeline am Ems M-n_<°mm°"» _r-E \\_m_ . . . _
.-..,s...seu and taught fire about 35 miles relax-vely small d-amener elasuc pipe -n 3;;3;;jag;ike;j*’,;,§n*;';‘1f';fi)';:;*
5°“‘*""“‘ °‘L“‘“E‘°“- ‘‘*"‘“‘‘‘Y “"1 3-my-' ""3 °‘}‘“-'‘"” “E9 d'‘““" “"1 all the ins eel¥.en' mtncnls from its
Auguslisl. one person was killed‘ PP"'"3"913""91)’ml‘313Y‘=3-T1“0'11)’ . P . P .

Common Elemms weh site and switched. lei all pratllral
‘at km 35 ,3, as purposes? what l‘1ai‘.l”I:::31 termed an
k inlegrate mspettlcln process.
3;‘   l  heen inufilued inva numhetrh
- e. ese new exemses aver e
Would you spend a nickel "a*“,:=';“;"“ hm“ past year In my personal npinion
iesu e In nes. - i
to talk to an excavatofl one mpg, w,m_, PHMSA missed ihe bnal with nus
Element: NOBODY deeision. {The I: p}:n;2s§ IS a LOT d
, a,1d,_,,,mm Inorewor Dr at I emspeclors an
W-5%n°f-'83“ Magazhe N0BO[,Y_iShzPPy ihe pipeline epei-aiens. lhavenui seen
‘"49. ,  s l p _ , _ __ « _ _ gm theseevents any m2an|n‘gf:lI‘mprnv?1n2nlJln the
$,{,‘,'.M',\\§.’“§m-‘I -., y _ . gs. murmd outtnmesn 1 emspectmns. usl my
 ‘’'~'‘»,~)lQ‘1.$~’4 «, ~ —/ . »
-i...  . ,» 7 : & ~ Iworents.
9‘  7 " 5:‘ ‘if -_\\\\ < -rhelvrslaihe , ,
—' ~ ' Q \\—; ‘\\\\-. . Pipeline and Wllllrespecllo nulemaliingmhe
‘ , ;: ,.\\‘\\ .‘ Hmrdm Hazardous Liquid Rulemaking and
i  \\_ 3 Mmfialssamy ihe nnsl porlmn ellhe Gas "Mega
» ;, ts \\. Admimpmn Rule" were puhlished. Bolh takeefiect
‘ \\ — ,;‘~ .-'»:h\\';‘. ‘[1HM5A)wi11 next July Isl. There is more income
\\ ‘ - .7‘-; Con1PlE‘e(hefir regardingt112GasMega Rule. [do
9 . investigations and um envy ihe Gas Pipeline Advisory
M ak e it % < f idmmy am 0, mm cumininee |GPAC) or PHMSA,
.  ;_ mol eauses foreach p- 11‘ ‘[11 H . ,,, - ,- ‘
haPP9“- = “J? '1 accsaem IPHMSA  .13!’ fie: L’i?l"ie"if;‘a?s2';‘s.
has a lot more, PHMSA will he eeaiiihunsed and ihai
V §ha_n two P‘P91|"9 pipelines will mntinue to be regulated
501—472—011 5 ‘“ |mfhm|s fhzf |h)2v hy PHMSA and PHMsA's stale partners.
V7 are mvesligaung _ V
sales? 81 ‘ magazines C0!" and mmuapy, Unlil next lime. be sale oul there!) I
""31 ‘'3P°'‘5 ‘"311 13° lam. lawn. rrfired /mm Pl-IMSA.
Fur qursnans ar mmlnents, mlllzllz
20 .  51lMl:gl!1me 2020, Issue 1

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